Thomas A. Anderson, a computer programmer employed by Metacortex, leads a secret life as a hacker under the name "Neo" and wishes to learn the answer to the "What is the Matrix?" Neo can’t sleep in the night. He is restless and feels like he is looking for someone, who can answer his we look for perfect MASTER, who can answer our question.. what is life? And it’s purpose.
We on the spiritual path will understand the feeling he describes--- ‘have u ever felt as if u don’t know if u r awake or dreaming?’ how many times in a day it struck in mind… is it a dream or reality. Which Saints answers for us… the life we r living is just a dream. Reality or truth is some thing else..
When Neo meets Morpheus , a perfect MASTER for him, Morpheus tells him—u r looking for me since last many years Neo, but I have spent a lifetime searching for u. our MASTER spends a lifetime..HIS lifetime looking and searching for HIS marked sheeps. Some of us may have searched for perfect MASTER for few years, some of us born in satsangi families already know HIM.. yet it’s HIM who spends HIS lifetime searching and collecting HIS sheeps.. HIS marked souls. In front of HIS long search, which takes us to HIM, our search is nothing. Just few years in this life. While HE is searching for HIS children since billions of years. Ever since we r apart.
Morpheus then describes Neo’s search n his question. “ you feel as if u r trying to get up from a dream. U feel as if there is something wrong with the world, and yet u don’t know what. “ Neo is surprised how Morpheus can guess his quest. As we sometimes feel, there is something wrong..we don’t belong here. And yet we r unable to answer where we belong? And we keep on trying to search here in this world, the belongingness. Our identity. Not knowing that we really do belong somewhere else… our real home is with our father.
Morpheus then describes matrix to Neo. “ the matrix or mayajaal is all around us. We can sense it with our senses. The real truth is behind the veil. Hidden from senses. You are a slave. U r born in a prison called matrix or maayajaal. U r tied with chains u can’t see or touch. Your mind and body both r slave. Slave of matrix. Matrix can’t be explained coz it’s beyond senses, u have to see with ur own eyes, u have to experience it urself to understand it.
Fellow travelers of spiritual path will understand the meaning of this very deeply. The words spoken by Morpheus in a movie… are so true. As our MASTER tells us. That this is the world of maya. What our senses perceives is just a game played by maya. A dream which our body and mind tells us is truth. And we keep on living this life. While our true home lies just behind a thin veil. We r tied with chains. Either gold or ordinary. But we r tied nonetheless. And keep coming back again n again in this world. As these chains can’t b broken till we find our very own Morpheus.. our MASTER.
Morpheus (named after the Greek god of dreams), then offers Neo two pills.. the chance to learn the truth about the Matrix: swallow a red pill and learn the truth or swallow a blue pill and return to the world as he knows it.
Our MASTER offers us the same choice. The red pill to learn about truth. Our pill is --- satsang in the company of perfect SAINT, one who HIMSELF has realised the truth. HE offers us initiation in the path of truth. It’s our choice to take red pill or the blue one. And go on living in this world of transmigrations. And keep ourselves chained or learn the truth and free our selves. As later Morpheus tells Neo about those ones, who believes deeply that matrix is the truth. They don’t want to escape it. In fact they even are ready to give their lives in defending this mayajaal. As we were before we met our own Morpheus our MASTER. As many still does. Those who still love this world and perceives it to be true. Makes us feel the overwhelming gratitude of being fortunate enuf to meet our Morpheus.
When Neo is ready for truth, Morpheus the tells the truth about his body. His real body is not what he sees with his senses given by the matrix. His real body is in an energy pit. He tells us that Neo’s mind will take him to his real body. The seekers of spiritual path knows that reality is above senses. This body is given to us to function in this world according to our karmas. But our real body is our soul. Which is chained here with the help of mind and senses. But once mind becomes our friend in discovering the truth. It’s the mind which takes us behind that thin veil. In search of our soul. As Morpheus tells us – real body is not here .. only mind and senses are working and living in this—matrix.
In this movie there is a character called--- Oracle. In this soul’s interpretation…this soul has dubbed this character as the aadi shakti. Mother of matrix. The consort of the creator of matrix.
Neo is trained to become a member of the group. Morpheus trains Neo to come out of the limitations of mind. He tells Neo things like----
The matrix or mayajaal is the reflection of ur own senses. U r what ur senses percieve. Thus u too r ur own imaginary reflection. Everything that our senses percieves is truth for us. While in reality the truth is above senses and perceptions.
But like us Neo is unable to believe that all this life and memory he has lived uptill now is imaginary. Feeded by matrix. That it’s not truth. Morpheus consoles Neo. That after some point the truth is not revealed quickly. Coz mind can’t take it. It has to be done slowly. As the mind gets ready to grasp the truth. As MASTER takes us within very slowly. Coz since ages our mind percieves this world to be the truth. We r sooo much dependent on our senses. That only what we can sense with our senses is true for us. We can’t see MASTER’s workings and HIS love. But we can see the love or betrayals of our near n dear ones . and that is only truth for us. MASTER slowly makes us ready to grasp n digest the truth. And takes us within.
And Morpheus trying to free Neo from the bondage of mind, just like our MASTER does that for us, teaches Neo…
In the fight sequence where Morpheus is trying to take Neo out of his mind’s trappings he repeatedly asks Neo….
Don’t try Neo, just believe.
Do u really think u r breathing Neo, or is it just ur mind telling u.
Give up three things Neo and u will be free of ur mind.. fear, doubt and disbelieving.
As we have to give up these very three things to progress on our spiritual path. Fear of loosing our own identity n merging into the ONE. Doubt coz our senses keeps telling us this world is real even as our MASTER promises us that the real world is inside us, full of love n peace. Yet our doubting mind keeps looking for thses very things in this world.
Not believing that our MASTER really is going to take us home. Taking all our burden. As we have been conditioned since ages that we have to bear our own cross, our own burden. That some one can love us sooo unconditionally and without asking anything in return despite our soooo many shortcomings. Despite that we keep on forsaking our vows. Yet HE can still love us. Can free us from the bonding of our own mind.
And the moment Neo starts believing he is up in the sky…flying… as our MASTER tells us..we can too.
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Morpheus then tells Neo—I can show u the way, but u yourself have to walk on this path. As our MASTER tells us HE has shown us the path back home but only we can walk on it. By giving the promised amount of time to our MASTER . by doing what is required to walk on this path. By doing our meditation. Even if nothing happens… even if we r moving in dark. But still atleast we have started walking.
This soul wud like to end this article.. by mentioning a scene from second part of this movie.. the matrix revolution.
When Neo is about to meet the creator of matrix. Which this soul has dubbed as the negative power. The maker of our world. Where souls are kept chained to live many lives again n again.
Neo enters the door full of light. To meet the creator of matrix. The creator tells Neo that matrix has been constituted many times. Dissolved and created many times. In fact 6 times. As MASTER tells us about pralay n mahapralay.
The creator goes on by telling Neo that first time the matrix was perfect n pure. People were very good. Like satyug. And yet becoz of human beings failings it was dissolved.
The problem the creator says, is of choice. Human beings take predictable choice, if their mind are feeded with mere suggestion, they will make that predictable choice.
Our mind takes predictable choices. When it comes to choose between our four vows and the world as perceived by our mind and senses. We always choose this world. This is the problem of choice of our very own matrix, as our very own Morpheus our MASTER waits for us to recognize our potential and rise in full glory. We choose to give time to ourselves, our loved ones. Choosing to postpone our relation our time with our MASTER, in favor of our so called responsibilities. I’ll do this after my kids r grown up , when I retire…and sooo on…
Not realizing that if we choose to nurture our relation with our MASTER, we can rise to our full glory n potential in this very lifetime. Just like Neo did..we can also fly high…. :) :) :)