Wednesday, August 8, 2012


My Present MASTER once said about spiritual path – to name it as laughing all the way to heaven. HIS own MASTER used to tell us – that in fact we have all the reason to laugh and be happy. Even if life is throwing adverse circumstances. Since we as disciples of perfect MASTER , are on their way to finish our journey. For us each page of our life, now is, just settling of accounts and finally be free to leave for our own home. Since our destination and success is guaranteed by MASTER HIMSELF. Nothing can ever stop us from reaching back home. So why live the rest of our life sulking? or in pain ?

HE was always ready to laugh at slightest possible opportunity. And so is our present MASTER now is showing us HIS funny side. After all the sense of humour is invented by GOD :) HIMSELF.:)

We on the other hand, not only persist in living our lives , with heavy hearts and painful expressions. We have no idea how to live our life, let alone walk on spiritual path laughingly.

 But we also persist on walking on our spiritual path and taking our meditation duties, as heaviest possible burden. 

 May be that’s why we can’t enjoy neither our life nor our path. Why can’t we just always remember that HE knows when we will reach back home. Or probably we are already back home. Only our mind and soul has to realise this. And why can’t we remember that ups and downs, comings and goings in our lives are just packing our bags, and being ready to take off. :)

It’s so easy to smile and laugh, and so difficult to carry the heavy burden . let’s just give the burden to HIM, for HE can certainly handle it better, and we can just rest in our FATHER’S care and be happy and carefree…. And just LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO HEAVEN….

So let’s start with…. Why on the earth are we here in the first place? Well I personally believe that HE was really bored being all alone. And really did needed us. We were born, and stayed and played with HIM. But then we didn’t knew the value of HIM and HIS company. HE said to HIMSELF… well well well, these kids don’t know how to respect ME and nor do they understand the value of MY love. So HE made us sleep. And in our dreams we were forced to experience separation from HIM… T

This dream became ongoing, and now we don’t know how to wake up. Since this dream is going on with the help of our very own creativeness. I DO. I am the doer and so I have karmas. And the rules of karmas are very simple… albeit a very vicious cycle.

So due to this karmas cycle, we are forced through numerous transmigrations and reincarnations. Well this is true. Even if we persist on believing that this birth is whole sole drama that we have. Never thinking logically that what’s the point of having just one life ? uh but then we believe in all those love stories were lovers take one more birth to meet each other. But then we don’t believe that we can be cow, or goat, or snake, or bird, or shrub or butterfly or even a cockroach … eeekkkkssss.


There is something really weird going on in us. For so many lives we are living same thing over and over again. And now we are fed up of living the same stories again and again. With little variation this birth a lil change in next , but ultimately we are living the same story. So we try to fill our boredom with new things again and again and again. After all with every birth, science becomes more advance. And if next birth we somehow become human again, we will have new things to play with.

Sometimes even that doesn’t really helps. But we never really try to find the meaning of life. Do we ??

But yes, we can keep complaining about life, nagging, cribbing and by being ungrateful.

Do we even realize that problem could just be… us ??? The day we realize this and acknowledge this in front of GOD, that nothing helps. Problem is something within me…..

And then HE arranges for us to wake up. :) Arranges for us to meet HIM, through HIM :)  HE brings us in HIS physical presence. Through a Perfect Living MASTER. :)

Now our MASTER , HIMSELF is one, who is awake to the illusions of this world, awake in the presence of CREATOR. And knows how to shake us awake. :)

 No attachments and no desires from this world. Only a yearning to meet the BELOVED. Cutting off ties from this world is not easy for us. Is it ?? When we still feel we want so much from this world. And here we are.... Don't know how to live our lives completely , with happiness , and yet we still want a life here. Giving up desires are not an easy task .. is it ? :)

So HE sends us some blessings in disguise. A broken heart, a wish unfulfilled , a serious illness, loosing wealth. Could be anything. Which makes us seriously think about this world and it's pains. Makes us long for promised land, or rather promised realms , of our homeland. 

And so we settle down to give it a try. Sit down to do one thing that can wake us up from this ongoing dream to our reality. Reality that we are drop of that DIVINE OCEAN , and we are ready to merge back. We sit down to MEDITATE. :) And how we do that we all know. :)

Well, wishing that meditating was as easy as this ---  :)

Sometimes our days are so good that we feel today is the day , this is the moment, when we will finally achieve access to our very own wonderland. But then... Once...

A disciple went to his MASTER and said, "My meditation is horrible! I feel so distracted, or my legs ache, or I'm constantly falling asleep. It's just horrible!"

"It will pass," the MASTER said matter of factly.

A week later, the disciple came back to his MASTER. "My meditation is wonderful! I feel so aware, so peaceful, so alive! It's just wonderful!'

"It will pass," the MASTER replied matter of factly.  :)

 Throughout our spiritual journey we experience serious ups and downs. May be all we need is to let go. Let go of our past. Our hurts, Our memories , attachments, believes . In fact we should be carrying nothing at all. No baggage :)

 But we rather choose to give up our efforts. The way we choose to live our life, By not tasting it at all, ignoring it's beauties, never once opening the packet, always running after next thing, That's how we choose to meditate or love our Best Friend --- our very own MASTER. Always in hurry. We need as ASAP results.

The problem is- that we think only in the time zone of 60 - 70 - 80 years. The time of our existence in this world as per time zone of this world encompass millions and zillions of years. In comparison to those zillions years , a mere 80 - 70 or 60 years are nothing. Looking from above , from HIS point of view they may be just one day. So even if we achieve HIS union in this one birth itself, then may be we should really think it as achievement of one day :) Just for once we should try to be free from the limited time zone of this birth.

So we can , we should always walk on the path with positive attitude. For once, we should atleast try to enjoy our journey.

And then soon we will achieve , what we set out to achieve. :)

Have courage my dear traveler , You will soon see your destination. If you are sincerely thirsty , then ocean WILL come to you.
Don't feel tired, and don't sit down, frustrated. Oh !! dear traveler , you will not only achieve the destination, but you will also have the complete satisfaction of union. :)

When HE will come in the form of Light And Sound and take us back home.

Life can be full of ups and downs. And so can be our meditating spiritual journey. But no one, and specially not our MASTER has ever asked us , don't enjoy the ride. Accept the lows and digest the highs. :) And most of all ENJOY THE RIDE. :)

So sit back and enjoy the ride. Coz HE is driving. And HE certainly knows the way, destination and exact time of arrival. :)

Not with long faces and heavy attitudes, but with spring in steps, lightness in attitude, laugh in heart and smile on lips...



Peace and Bliss to all
