Sunday, August 2, 2009



Spiritual growth comes at a very high price. So all of us out there trying to walk the path shud better tie our belts more tightly. As our MASTER tells us- when u are going for fox hunting be prepared as if u are going for lion hunting.

There is still one more thing MASTER tells us- we can’t put both our feets in two boats. We can’t reach any where. Nor in this boat, not in that. Coz both the boats are going in different directions. We have to choose one and then plant both our feets firmly in one boat.

Now there are two choices for us. Those who are manmukh and those who are gurumukh. Manmukh boat leads us to this world. Where we actually are living. With all the everchanging scenario of this world, we try to struggle thru living our life best possible way trying to find what little happiness we can find here. Which is never enuf. As soon as we find happiness thru one thing we need another. And so we keep pursuing happiness which is always elusive. At the very best in the end of our life we may think that I cud have lived better. Which is almost everyone who feels this way in the end. I cud have lived better. If life gives me another chance I will do much better this time. But the question is- will we get that second chance???

Those who belief in reincarnation can still not honestly say will they get this human birth again? Or if they really do get another human birth. They won’t remember the mistakes done in this one..or the last thought of—if I get second chance.

So it’s endless pursuing of that elusive happiness or I cud have done better. Or life cud be better.

But those who are walking on the path of gurumukh. They have the chance to find that forever peace and bliss. Coz they aim to merge in that forever infinity which is all love and happiness. The spiritual path which gives us promise of merging in ultimate creator and never having to run again in this marathon of finding happiness.

So choice is ours. Which path we want to walk? Do we want to give another try to this world. Or do we want to give our best effort to the path of spirituality.

Many souls have tried hard to find the right path which leads back to that entity we call GOD. Many have choosen many paths available. And we who are walking in the guidance of a living MASTER…instinctively feel that we are on the right path. A path which is going to lead us back home. And so we start walking in dubious- can we do this? Let’s try—we do have MASTER’S promise and grace with us, kind of attitude. And yet mostly failing on the way. Stumbling, often giving up and yet not quiet able to leave completely, again picking up kind of way thru years. Honestly hoping to get the glimpse of that spiritual world MASTER tells us about and yet as years pass by loosing hope in our capability which we from the beginning doubted we have and most of the souls end up questioning the validity of path itself. And yet there are those lucky souls which keep silently immersed in HIS love. Always silent never speaking of those valuable treasures that they have found within. If they speak up probably most of us won’t question the path 20 years down the lane. But GOD wants to see our own yearnings. HE can always bestow the treasures in just a blink of a moment. But do we deserve them? Will we be able to understand the value of the treasure given to us. No we can’t.

Saints never became saints in just 2 hours daily. They became saints by being saint 24 hours a day. That is the commitment GOD needs from us. To be HIS completely. Every hour every moment.

As a human beings we have the habit of trying to get that one happiness which has high cost. Most expensive car, most beautiful house, another car another house another latest technological device. We work very hard to achieve them but the day we get them we don’t feel elated for long. Coz we want something more higher yet. We are unable to enjoy the fruits of what we single mindedly wanted and is now finally ours. So how can we change our selves and know the value of treasures that GOD can bestow to us without working hard. We can’t. HE needs to see our single mindedness to achieve HIS everlasting love. So that we can treasure when HE chooses to bestow HIS love on us. We can understand the value of what has been given to us.

HE needs us to plant both our feets firmly on the boat that leads us back home. To HIM. And mostly we go thru life trying to live up to both worlds. This world with it’s present allures which we can see and that one which saints tells us exists, but we haven’t seen it. MASTER tells us- if we can but imagine or see what lies within we will never try to turn our face towards this world ever. But we don’t know that. Do we?

Faith is believing what u don’t yet see and reward is getting what u believed in without seeing.
At the best we can always have faith.

Spiritual growth comes at a very high cost after all it is forever. But we walking on the path tend to overlook the price it asks for. Meditation and going within, withdrawing soul current from body from where it permeates in this world via senses needs high price. Already since this soul came in this world it has acquired the habit of going outwards. Turning that opposite direction current needs huge effort. It also needs many sacrifices. Which we never think about. We only sit down half heartedly in darkened room and tell our MASTER I m not capable, u asked me to make efforts I m doing it. Now it’s upto ur grace. U said if I walk one step u will take 100 towards me. Now take those 100. I m waiting. Open the doors within. So I can taste the glory. Yet we are not ready to pay any price. But we are quick to blame MASTER and the path.

There is a story. One very evolved Mahatma while roaming around reached in a village and decided to stay at a poor woman’s home. Who welcomed mahatma and offered her hospitality. But she didn’t had any food to offer to mahatma in the morning. So whole night she stitched clothes. In the morning she sold those clothes and brought things to prepare meal. Then she cooked food and offered to mahatma. Which he took. That night when he sat down for spiritual practice, he was unable to withdraw his soul current. Though he tried hard. Next morning he asked the woman how she arranged for food. She told him by selling clothes she stitched. He asked when did u stitch ? she told him in the night. And how did u do the work in the night. From where did u arrange the light needed to stitch? Then she told him- in the nearby hut a prostitute lives. As her profession needs lamp for whole night she stitched clothes with the help of her burning lamp. Then mahatma said- becoz of the food prepared in unethical way, I was not able to withdraw my soul current.

If a highly evolved mahatma can suffer via food intake of unethically prepared means. Then how can we expect results? Do we ever think of what spiritual practice needs? The sacrifices it demands? Are we ready to pay them?

We go to MacDonald’s and other such restaurants which prepare non-veg items too. If we see their kitchens we will come to know how much non-veg we consume. And we tell ourselves proudly that we follow the vows of being vegetarian. And that night again we expect results in our meditation.

Whole day going thru our various jobs, we display anger, jealousy and other negative feelings for fellow humans. Hurting many in process. Or getting hurt and becoming abusive, even if in our own mind. Venting our feeling of injustice being done to us. As soon as we do this… we hamper our meditation. How can we expect HIM to shower HIS love that night when we ourself has been bad to our fellow creatures. Isn’t expecting results then from our side becomes hypocrisy?

Once MASTER said that our own mind will tell us daily , do we deserve that treasure of love?
Shud we care to listen to it’s truth. Which we never do. We ignore.

One lustful thought , and do we qualify to hope GOD to be seated in that heart?

To even hope that GOD chooses to show HIS face to us, we need to go thru life long sacrifices. Are we ready to sacrifice and change whole our life and finally put both our feets on one single boat of spirituality? Remember HE has given us means to achieve this. Our meditation is that weapon with the help of which we can achieve this. But we need to put sincere efforts. Our efforts shud be in training our mind to sit and become silent. Not the half hearted efforts of going thru 2 hours daily. But sincere efforts to silence the thoughts, and lovingly gaze at the darkness within. As MASTER said… six months of sincere efforts and the disciple must go within.

Along with these sacrifices which is needed to withdraw the soul current. As the concentration is achieved the disciple must go within.

One spiritual truth and we become afraid. Oh this is some thing I can’t sacrifice. And we start calling it ritual or dogma or blame the path. Coz we are unable to digest the truth that spiritual practice and withdrawal results demands sacrifices. Coz we know we can’t yet give up allures of this world completely.

Human tendency is that at the old age of life when a man is free of most responsibilities he tends to look back towards the life he has lived so far and tell himself he cud have lived better.

Why look back to the road traveled so far. Why not look ahead towards the distance yet needed to be covered. Looking back always makes us stumble in further growth. Why not keep our gaze always fixed ahead?

20 years down the lane…walking thru this path, trying to sacrifice each and every thing that comes between us and the beloved, if we are ready to handle even disappoint if it comes our way…[ though it shudn’t. coz HE knows our sincere efforts. And HE is more anxious to see us within. HE is more then ready , in fact HE is waiting to shower HIS love to a tired soul.] But shud we still remain away from HIS beloved face…then are we ready to take the disappointment? Or will we ask ourselves? I cud atleast have enjoyed the life. Cud have gone to restaurants, cud have taken that extra money, cud have fulfilled this or that desire.

If this is where we are going to land…then better don’t make sacrifice. We can always go on living life to fullest and performing the duty of 2 and half hour. But then we shudn’t complain of not getting results. At the very best we can have the satisfaction of living life and doing duty towards HIM too. HE never asked to make sacrifices. It’s our own intellect that tells us oh!! I did this and so I shud get results. Again isn’t this ego??? Who are we to decide that we are right candidates to see results? And we know ego is that one thing which keeps us away from HIM..

Or give our best try..with all the sacrifices this path demands from us. Our best shot…and HE the infinite love is bound to shower HIS grace. But never complaining. Coz as jesus says—I m going to prepare the abode for u. with our best efforts HE is preparing our home coming even if it takes this whole life time. In comparison to millions of years, one life time is nothing.

It's only human nature which asks i did so much for u what u did for me? GOD never asks i did so much for u and yet u complain. what u did for me?? we at some point even don't hesitate to ask our own kids- i did so much for u, what u did? or expect that i did so much they shud do soo much or more in return.

Ultimately this is the path of loving faith. And faith is all that counts in the end.
At the very best we have the satisfaction of lived our life as dignified human beings. Coz that is what this path makes us. And we have the satisfaction of giving our best. And as a reward we will one day get to see what we believed in. The radiant face of our MASTER.

Don’t sacrifice if in the end our ego is going to tell us how much I did for U MASTER. What did U do?

Choice is our’s …do we choose to remain in both boats, or try our best to get on one boat. HIS boat.


  1. Waiting to that he comes with his boat...

  2. tere noor se hi roshan mera jahan hai...
    tu hai to meri rooh yahan hai...
    Le chal udhar jo tera jahan hai...
    meri aakhri manzil,mera ant wahan hai..

    koshish karne ka waada hai
    bas dikhla de ki raasta kahan hai..

    kshitij ko chhoone ki bharpoor chah hai..
    le chal ki ab intezaar ki intehaan hai..
