LET IT GO-----
There is this famous story , which goes something like this.
Once a man carrying heavy load on his head was seeking a lift to reach some where. But no one was ready to stop his or her car. Coz everyone was busy trying to reach some where. After a while some one stopped his car and generously gave this seeker lift. The seeker sat down inside but kept his load on his head. The driver asked the seeker to keep his load down under the seat. But the seeker denied putting the load off. Saying- u r so generous sir as to give me this lift. I won’t bother u more by asking u to give lift to my load as well. I’ll carry my own burden. The man smiled unable to convince the seeker to give up his burden coz for the man this load was nothing.
This is the way most of us lead our lives. Every single soul on this earth is carrying her share of burden of karmas. Of impressions on her mind of numerous lives. Sometimes this load becomes soooo heavy that we are unable to carry it all by ourselves. Yet carry it we must. No one else can do this for us. But once in a while we are fortunate enough to catch the loving and kind generosity of a perfect MASTER. A driver who can take us to our destination, us seekers. Once in a while, once in a lifetime, once in this very life…. HE gives us lift in HIS vehicle and ask us to put our burdens down. And we in our stupidity keep denying. Coz we are so groomed in sooo many lives that we are unable to believe that we can be free of our burdens, that we need not carry it any more. Since HE and HIS vehicle is strong enuf to hold us and our burdens. That finally we can put down and just LET GO….. :)
Although this is the most wonderful thing of this path. But we are unable to comprehend. We keep on reading wonderful quotes throughout our lives. And we somewhere deep within our heart feel a yearning to hold on to these words. To teach our selves to live by them. Yet with our busy life and our tendency to keep holding on to our burdens we are unable to do so. One such quote goes like this…
if u love some one let go … if it is meant for u it will return back to u. if it doesn’t it was never meant for u. and another… let go of ur anger… and another … if u hold on tooo tight on love it will become possessiveness . so just let go…
Now is our chance to learn to live by these words. Coz though we may never realise but letting go is very hard when we don’t have some thing concrete to hang on to… :)
After all none of us can hang in air without support. And our mind really does need this energy to survive in this world. After all it’s only purpose is to function in this world..
But we have our MASTER, to hang on to, to hold on to, our very own driver who HIMSELF is telling us to let go…to keep aside our burden, assuring us in every way to trust HIM atleast once. That if we just let go HE won’t let us fall down or fall apart. HE will give us cake as well as candy…. Parmarth as well as swarth. What more do we want???? But we habitual of carrying our own burdens since millions of life times, are unable to let go… we keep clinging to our every large as well as very minor burdens. Are we so unsure of HIS ability to carry everything for us???? If so how can we be really sure that HE can take us back home? If we can’t trust HIM to carry our burdens for us? Despite HIS always saying to trust HIM once???? How naïve and untrusting we are?
Let us just start letting go. Let us just start living all those wonderful words that crossed our path thru out our lives. Giving us a pause and a moment of reflection and a yearning to live them… LET GO….
And what better place to learn about this letting go …. Then our intimate conversation with our GOD???
As we sit down and close our eyes and stare in darkness we can’t think about HIM. We are so unable to do so. Instead what do we think about??? We are trying to see or plan our future. Despite many of us are fully aware that nothing is in our hand. Or we are thinking about our past. Past regrets, past relations, past hurts, past unhappiness, past frustrations, past sadness, and sooo very seldom past happy moments. Unable to tell our mind that that’s what it is--- past… even as we think or say a single word that moment is already past.. we feel same anger, frustrations, sadness, pain or lil bit happiness all over again. First we are living a life which is already past, coz it already happened when it was being written. We are merely acting out already written part. Then we persist on living that life over and over again. Or we are pursuing imaginary conversations, or worries or dreams. That’s what they are imaginery… coz most of them, or every one of them will never happen. We even argue and vent out our frustrations in that darkness. We do every thing instead of thinking about HIM and HIS love. We are so self obsessed with our all those burdens.
So next time when we sit down. We do that very thing that once MASTER said…. When u are going for fox hunting go prepared for lion hunting. Next time as our mind picks up one of his own burden… we gently pull it back and tell it…LET GO…. We do it again and again and again… till it’s convinced that it can let go this anger this pain this frustrations, this plannings this worrings…. And as it picks up another burden to examine or recreate …we again tell it… LET GO…
Most of us have gone thru some major pain or let down very hard in life. This experience can become such insistent visitor in darkness. We are sooo much forced to relive it again. For some disciples who are fortunate enuf to live with a TEACHER, whose teacher is physically present , they get help from their teacher. While many of us… whose physical teacher is far from our reach flounders sooooo that any letting go becomes hard. Some times many of us give up our spiritual practice. Coz we are unable to face that insistent visitor again and again. And HE oh HE seem soo far and out of reach.
Here we are wrong. Here we are unable to trust HIM. When HE says HE is nearer to us then our own breath. Just closing our eyes away. Agreed that we don’t have access to HIS radiant form yet and HE even if answers our questions we are unable to hear HIM. And who can say when we will be able to have that access? Who knows if we will have that before we take our last breath. A very grim picture. And so many of us give up….
But the solution can be so simple…. Just LET GO… :)
We let go our conversations with HIM. We don’t let go our thoughts. Why?? Coz our trust and faith is very little. And HE even understands that. HE in HIS loving kindness even says that till we go within we can’t develop unshakable faith. So what do we do? We pack that insistent visitor, make a bundle, take it inside HIS vehicle and without HIS needing to ask us we keep it down under HIS seat. :) and we LET GO….it’s now HIS to carry and do as HE sees fit. It’s no longer our burden. And next time our mind wants to replay that insistent visitor…we tell it that we don’t have access to that particular part since our MASTER carries that particular load and is busy dispensing it as HE sees fit… so we ask our mind to let go…. :)
And here lies our childlike trust in the ability of our FATHER… since if daddy is driving us home nothing can go wrong…. Somewhere there is this wonderful quote…
blessed are those with childlike heart coz they will be fortunate enuf to enter the gates of heaven. To enter heaven we need to become small child like pure again. :)
And if daddy is holding our pains and our burdens..do we ever need to worry?? Or think about them again????
And as we keep letting go of our future , of our past there only remains one moment—present. Slowly and surely as we let go every moment that is already over and let go moments that are yet to come we reach where HE always wants us to reach… we reach in this very moment. The present moment. Where we are the only one writer… and we write our love story with HIM in this very present moment. As soon as mind reaches this present moment… we experience HIS love for us.
So just LET GO….
Peace and bliss to all. :)
Thanks for the beautiful message....