The most awesome emotion on the path of LOVE
Sounds like a paradox !! isn't it ??
And yet it is not...
Fear is essential on the path of Love. Love without fear is incomplete. At least till love is the only essence left in the being. Then fear is not needed. Nor can it stay.
We all have known various degrees of fear. When ever we have loved, we have known the fear, which accompanies love. Fear of loosing the loved on, fear of loosing the love. Fear of betrayals, fear of annoying the loved one. Fear of well being of loved one. So each one of us know that fear naturally accompanies LOVE.
Yet as much as these fears keeps us involved in worldly love, it keeps us away from divine Love. But when this fear becomes a part of our heart, on the path of BELOVED. It becomes the biggest gift from -- the DIVINE FATHER. It becomes most precious gift , a gift par words. A feeling, an emotion, to be enjoyed to it's fullest.
What exactly is spiritual path for us ? Not many of us have this idea. We are some times drawn in this path without clear aim in sight. Many of us just walk thru it blind to it's beauties. Just as we walk thru whole life without ever living. Experiencing myriads of emotions without appreciating their beauty. We say we are in pain. Pain of love. Yet never actually understanding it's beauty. Yes, even pain has it's own beauty. We believe in so many theories. Throughout our whole life, we collect so many theories. Without ever testing their truth. They are actually very much like a hobby collection for us. If we don't treat them as collection, we would actually want to experience them . And may be we are too afraid of actual experience. We stay away from experience, in cozy security of mere collections.
It's easy to keep repeating theories. Theories which says... that only HE exists. Nothing else is. Or , HIS love is infinite. HIS love never leaves us. Even if we are bad children, HE still loves us. And it's altogether a different phenomena to really experience all these theories, in reality. Till then we may keep screaming theories. But we are just being a parrot. Have we really known the unity from BELOVED ?? Do we really know ? that only HE exists ??
For that we need to walk the walk. Not just keep talking the talk. And that doesn't happen without fear.
This holiest of most holy fear, makes us tremble with fear of loosing the chance to win BELOVED's love. Makes us silently wither in pain, after doing any such deed , which just mite displeasure the BELOVED, making us more resolved to make us more better. Makes us sit in HIS remembrance, makes us breath in HIS remembrance , makes us do everything in HIS presence... lest we loose this wonderful opportunity and remain separated from HIM for one more birth. And who knows about the next ??
Sant Kabir ji says-- Without this fear , the lovely feeling of Love doesn't arrise, Without fear there is no love. If this wonderful fear leaves the devoted heart, every single beauty related to love, leaves that heart .
What exactly is our theory regarding BELOVED ?? The Divine Power ??
We know from books, satsangs and enlightened MASTERS that our BELOVED loves us very much. It's HIS love that pulls us to this path. Which many of when we were born in this birth actually never thought or considered worthy enough to find even. And yet here we are , struggling to understand what are we doing here ??
So the theories say HE loves us without expecting anything from us. HE is merciful father who keeps forgiving our multiple misdeeds. Even as we keep repeating them. It's amazing how much we can justify ourselves. never thinking we may be wrong this one time, or many times. Even a serial killer can justify himself. Otherwise he cannot keep repeating his serial killings. It's the power of justification, that he keep on taking life after life. We are just ordinary human beings, living ordinary life, life after life, after life. Here is something amazingly extraordinary in our existence, in this birth. And yet we choose to ignore it. We choose to ignore HIM, HIS actual love. Justifications are so many. That we can fill volumes after volumes.
Yet, once thru this all we can never consider one thing--- HE just mite choose to stay away from us. Once more. Nah, how can that happen ?? well spiritual scriptures say.. once HE takes hold of our hands, HE doesn't let go. Doesn't they say as much. ? They can not all be wrong ?? Can they ? Nah, oh !! HE will find a way to keep holding on to us. HE can not leave. Even if we do.
What a selfish outlook we assume.
But then HE really finds a way... HE choose to fill HIS chosen hearts with ---- FEAR. :)
To live in constant fear of loosing BELOVED makes a loving heart more eager for union. The lover works more eagerly for that union.
And when the lover considers every heart as the residing place of his BELOVED, that's where the lover starts respecting each and every heart as BELOVED's home.
We as mere ordinary human beings never learn to forgive and respect each and every heart. Even if justify ourselves as , most forgiving, adjusting and loving person. Yet here and there we keep overlooking this important factor- in each heart HE lives. Be it as reactions or as actions, We keep hurting others... in the name of self defense.
MASTER says--- it's very easy to hit back , when some one hits you. Even a small child can do that. But it's more loving and brave thing to react with love. With humbleness. HE says... once we can see the BELOVED's face in each being , we will be forced to love every being. Here still comes the need for experience. But ......
But ... till then... the fear of HIS displeasure, the need for HIS happiness, the need to win HIS love for our ownself... when these needs becomes priority for us... then ... and only then... we choose to react with love and humbleness. we choose to let go of our ego. Put it at the feet of our BELOVED , so it just mite win HIS favour... and HIS smile :)
Just one smile... :)
Then Sant Kabir Ji says...
It's fear that makes us do all kind of loving things for BELOVED, It's fear which is ultimately a Master, which teaches us to bow down at BELOVED's feet. It's fear which is a philosphers stone. Just as philosphers stone can turn iron into gold. This fear turns us into... a fit vessel for Divine Love. The lover who fears the seperation from BELOVED ... is bound to wake up and work for HIS pleasure, and the ones who are bereft of this amazing emotion... keeps sleeping, unaware of the fact that BELOVED awaits their attention...
So finally it's fear that really forces us to start walking towards BELOVED. And it's fear of hurting HIM, HIS heart that makes us want to respect each soul, walking thru the tough path of life. Yes, ultimately it's HIM and HIS precious heart that we succeed in hurting when we choose to hurt any single soul.
So HE does find a way ... to make us more aware of HIM. Welcome this precious gift from HIM, with open heart.... feel the fear of loosing HIM... and if we can't ... then may be before the prayer for union... we really shud be praying to HIM for this gift of FEAR.
We really shud come out the comfort zone of theories, that HE will not leave us alone... and start working towards... never being alone without HIM... :)
It's only then within the circle of BELOVED's love, that we will finally be rid of FEAR. HIS love and fear for HIM, already purges us from petty fears of world and it's various kind of loves. As the soul turns it's back from worldly loves. In favour of HIS love. And merging with HIS love makes soul forever.... fearless.
And finally some lovely sayings from some Lovers Of BELOVED--
Those who fear, serves GOD thru dread of seperation from HIM. Al - HUJWIRI
Hope and fear are as two wings without which the work of the saint cannot make progress. Al - Sarraj
Abu Al Jili said about man who fears--- He is the man who is made to trust ( in GOD ) by those things which are rightly feared, because he does not let fearful things disturb his mind, being removed from them by his fear of GOD , so that such things will be removed from him.
( the spiritual traveller who only fears seperation from BELOVED is free from worldly things and there attractions... these attractions being , in reality , more fearful things, as these keeps the soul away from BELOVED. )
Fear is a gift from GOD, who has decreed that HIS servants shud fear , and holy fear , that dread which is salutary for the soul. The sufi Saying.
LOVE is not perfect without fear , nor fear without hope, nor hope without fear. --- Al- Sarraj
And when this holy fear works it's wonder, we recieve this stage-
There is no fear in love, but perfect love caste out fear. St John.
And in the end the one from RABIA BASRI Herself---
Only GOD HIMSELF was to be feared with the reverence due to HIS awful holiness, hope was only in GOD HIMSELF , in the vision of HIS beauty.
HER fear of seperation was so great that SHE used to constantly pray thus-- I take refugee in YOU, from everything which has distracted ME from YOU, and from every hinderance which has hindered ME from YOU.
May this holy fear make it's place in each and LOVER's heart , May the BELOVED bestow the beauty of this emotion in HIS lovers bosom .
The most awesome emotion on the path of LOVE
Sounds like a paradox !! isn't it ??
And yet it is not...
Fear is essential on the path of Love. Love without fear is incomplete. At least till love is the only essence left in the being. Then fear is not needed. Nor can it stay.
We all have known various degrees of fear. When ever we have loved, we have known the fear, which accompanies love. Fear of loosing the loved on, fear of loosing the love. Fear of betrayals, fear of annoying the loved one. Fear of well being of loved one. So each one of us know that fear naturally accompanies LOVE.
Yet as much as these fears keeps us involved in worldly love, it keeps us away from divine Love. But when this fear becomes a part of our heart, on the path of BELOVED. It becomes the biggest gift from -- the DIVINE FATHER. It becomes most precious gift , a gift par words. A feeling, an emotion, to be enjoyed to it's fullest.
What exactly is spiritual path for us ? Not many of us have this idea. We are some times drawn in this path without clear aim in sight. Many of us just walk thru it blind to it's beauties. Just as we walk thru whole life without ever living. Experiencing myriads of emotions without appreciating their beauty. We say we are in pain. Pain of love. Yet never actually understanding it's beauty. Yes, even pain has it's own beauty. We believe in so many theories. Throughout our whole life, we collect so many theories. Without ever testing their truth. They are actually very much like a hobby collection for us. If we don't treat them as collection, we would actually want to experience them . And may be we are too afraid of actual experience. We stay away from experience, in cozy security of mere collections.
It's easy to keep repeating theories. Theories which says... that only HE exists. Nothing else is. Or , HIS love is infinite. HIS love never leaves us. Even if we are bad children, HE still loves us. And it's altogether a different phenomena to really experience all these theories, in reality. Till then we may keep screaming theories. But we are just being a parrot. Have we really known the unity from BELOVED ?? Do we really know ? that only HE exists ??
For that we need to walk the walk. Not just keep talking the talk. And that doesn't happen without fear.
This holiest of most holy fear, makes us tremble with fear of loosing the chance to win BELOVED's love. Makes us silently wither in pain, after doing any such deed , which just mite displeasure the BELOVED, making us more resolved to make us more better. Makes us sit in HIS remembrance, makes us breath in HIS remembrance , makes us do everything in HIS presence... lest we loose this wonderful opportunity and remain separated from HIM for one more birth. And who knows about the next ??
Sant Kabir ji says-- Without this fear , the lovely feeling of Love doesn't arrise, Without fear there is no love. If this wonderful fear leaves the devoted heart, every single beauty related to love, leaves that heart .
What exactly is our theory regarding BELOVED ?? The Divine Power ??
We know from books, satsangs and enlightened MASTERS that our BELOVED loves us very much. It's HIS love that pulls us to this path. Which many of when we were born in this birth actually never thought or considered worthy enough to find even. And yet here we are , struggling to understand what are we doing here ??
So the theories say HE loves us without expecting anything from us. HE is merciful father who keeps forgiving our multiple misdeeds. Even as we keep repeating them. It's amazing how much we can justify ourselves. never thinking we may be wrong this one time, or many times. Even a serial killer can justify himself. Otherwise he cannot keep repeating his serial killings. It's the power of justification, that he keep on taking life after life. We are just ordinary human beings, living ordinary life, life after life, after life. Here is something amazingly extraordinary in our existence, in this birth. And yet we choose to ignore it. We choose to ignore HIM, HIS actual love. Justifications are so many. That we can fill volumes after volumes.
Yet, once thru this all we can never consider one thing--- HE just mite choose to stay away from us. Once more. Nah, how can that happen ?? well spiritual scriptures say.. once HE takes hold of our hands, HE doesn't let go. Doesn't they say as much. ? They can not all be wrong ?? Can they ? Nah, oh !! HE will find a way to keep holding on to us. HE can not leave. Even if we do.
What a selfish outlook we assume.
But then HE really finds a way... HE choose to fill HIS chosen hearts with ---- FEAR. :)
To live in constant fear of loosing BELOVED makes a loving heart more eager for union. The lover works more eagerly for that union.
And when the lover considers every heart as the residing place of his BELOVED, that's where the lover starts respecting each and every heart as BELOVED's home.
We as mere ordinary human beings never learn to forgive and respect each and every heart. Even if justify ourselves as , most forgiving, adjusting and loving person. Yet here and there we keep overlooking this important factor- in each heart HE lives. Be it as reactions or as actions, We keep hurting others... in the name of self defense.
MASTER says--- it's very easy to hit back , when some one hits you. Even a small child can do that. But it's more loving and brave thing to react with love. With humbleness. HE says... once we can see the BELOVED's face in each being , we will be forced to love every being. Here still comes the need for experience. But ......
But ... till then... the fear of HIS displeasure, the need for HIS happiness, the need to win HIS love for our ownself... when these needs becomes priority for us... then ... and only then... we choose to react with love and humbleness. we choose to let go of our ego. Put it at the feet of our BELOVED , so it just mite win HIS favour... and HIS smile :)
Just one smile... :)
Then Sant Kabir Ji says...
It's fear that makes us do all kind of loving things for BELOVED, It's fear which is ultimately a Master, which teaches us to bow down at BELOVED's feet. It's fear which is a philosphers stone. Just as philosphers stone can turn iron into gold. This fear turns us into... a fit vessel for Divine Love. The lover who fears the seperation from BELOVED ... is bound to wake up and work for HIS pleasure, and the ones who are bereft of this amazing emotion... keeps sleeping, unaware of the fact that BELOVED awaits their attention...
So finally it's fear that really forces us to start walking towards BELOVED. And it's fear of hurting HIM, HIS heart that makes us want to respect each soul, walking thru the tough path of life. Yes, ultimately it's HIM and HIS precious heart that we succeed in hurting when we choose to hurt any single soul.
So HE does find a way ... to make us more aware of HIM. Welcome this precious gift from HIM, with open heart.... feel the fear of loosing HIM... and if we can't ... then may be before the prayer for union... we really shud be praying to HIM for this gift of FEAR.
We really shud come out the comfort zone of theories, that HE will not leave us alone... and start working towards... never being alone without HIM... :)
It's only then within the circle of BELOVED's love, that we will finally be rid of FEAR. HIS love and fear for HIM, already purges us from petty fears of world and it's various kind of loves. As the soul turns it's back from worldly loves. In favour of HIS love. And merging with HIS love makes soul forever.... fearless.
And finally some lovely sayings from some Lovers Of BELOVED--
Those who fear, serves GOD thru dread of seperation from HIM. Al - HUJWIRI
Hope and fear are as two wings without which the work of the saint cannot make progress. Al - Sarraj
Abu Al Jili said about man who fears--- He is the man who is made to trust ( in GOD ) by those things which are rightly feared, because he does not let fearful things disturb his mind, being removed from them by his fear of GOD , so that such things will be removed from him.
( the spiritual traveller who only fears seperation from BELOVED is free from worldly things and there attractions... these attractions being , in reality , more fearful things, as these keeps the soul away from BELOVED. )
Fear is a gift from GOD, who has decreed that HIS servants shud fear , and holy fear , that dread which is salutary for the soul. The sufi Saying.
LOVE is not perfect without fear , nor fear without hope, nor hope without fear. --- Al- Sarraj
And when this holy fear works it's wonder, we recieve this stage-
There is no fear in love, but perfect love caste out fear. St John.
And in the end the one from RABIA BASRI Herself---
Only GOD HIMSELF was to be feared with the reverence due to HIS awful holiness, hope was only in GOD HIMSELF , in the vision of HIS beauty.
HER fear of seperation was so great that SHE used to constantly pray thus-- I take refugee in YOU, from everything which has distracted ME from YOU, and from every hinderance which has hindered ME from YOU.
May this holy fear make it's place in each and LOVER's heart , May the BELOVED bestow the beauty of this emotion in HIS lovers bosom .
posted a comment yesterday...dint get published :(
ReplyDeleteFear of losing HIM...rather a fear that HE may forget me...
HE may not love me as much as HE does always...coz I am not that good as i used to be..
Fear that he may realize that I am unworthy of HIM..
He has given his spl attention always, a fear of Losing that...
He has got many lovers who are much much better than me..
Meri wargi lakh heeraan osnu main kis ginti wich aawaan...
Wishing a fear of separation in all of us...
HE will never forget you. :)
DeleteNever ever. Nor can HIS love in any way diminish. Ours can. HIS ... never.
we all are unworthy. It's HIS love that makes us worthy, finally.
Loosing HIS attention, and HIS special favors , knowledge that HE has many, better then me... is , biggest fear... and may be that is also HIS gift :) atleast it keeps us striving for betterment always.
Thanks :)