Friday, September 13, 2013


Now what I am sharing here ... is the most beautiful account of Audible Life Stream , or the celestial music , or shabad dhun as we know it... 

This account is given by Betty Eadie in her book -- Embraced by the light. It is a very detail account of her NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE in 1973, after her operation. The account is very detailed, but here I am sharing the part which I loved most ---

She is explaining the lights and visions she saw while her experience... and then she comes to a garden and the living waters part...

" A melody of majestic beauty carried from the waterfall and filled the garden, eventually merging with other melodies that i was now only faintly aware of. The music came from the water itself, from its intelligence, and each DROP PRODUCED ITS OWN TONE AND MELODY ( wow !! ) which mingled and interacted with every other sound and strain around it... we simply don't have the capacity to comprehend the vastness and strength of the music there, let alone begin to create it. As i got closer to the water the thought came to me that these could possibly be the living waters mentioned in the scriptures, and i wanted to bathe in them ..


It was a tone similar to a note of music but was universal and seemed to fill at all the space around me. It was followed by another tone at the different pitch, and soon i noticed something of a melody-- a vast cosmic song that soothed and comforted me. The tones produced soft vibrations, and as they touched me I knew they possessed the power to heal. I knew that anything touched by these tones would receive the effects of their healing; they were like spiritual salve, expressions of love that mended broken spirit.


As her soul moves more forward leaving that garden she encounters more such music...about which she says..
No music i had heard in my life, even the music in the garden, compared to this. It was grand, glorious, awesome, and meant especially for me. It was overwhelming... their voices were pure and each note was clear and sweet ... i wept only, soaking in their love and celestial music.... “

Point to be noted here is ... that Betty was never aware of Audible life stream or the Light And Sound theory at any point of her life, when she had this experience.

Wants one to reach and be touched by that celestial music..... soon....

An excerpt from the book – The Audible Life Stream from Alistair Conwell. Chapter six- Embraced by the sound.

Peace And Bliss to All

May we reach this Celestial Music soon...
