Friday, March 15, 2013


"There are some things money can't buy,
for everything else there's Master Card."

I'm sure you've all heard those commercials.
Well, I'm not unlike those agencies promoting their favorite credit card.

However, I'm here to advertise a different card.
You see, my life is a commercial for others to see.

I'm a card carrying representative for the MASTER's Card.
That's right, the MASTER'S CARD.
Let me tell you about it.
There are no finance charges,
no payments due.
My bill has already been covered...
it's prepaid.
I couldn't afford the price,
so MASTER stepped in and paid it for me.
HIS NAME is written on the card for all to see.
It is accessible twenty-four hours a day
from anywhere in the world.

The MASTER'S CARD has many benefits
it's hard to list them all.
Let me share some of them with you...
you might want to apply for a personal card yourself.
Just for starters there is UNLIMITED GRACE.

That's right,
there is no limit to the amount of grace
you receive from the MASTER'S CARD.
Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places?
Then, look no farther than the MASTER'S CARD.
It offers the greatest rate on love that has ever been offered.
The MASTER'S CARD gives you access to many "members only" benefits.
Want real joy despite the difficulties of life?
Apply for the MASTER'S CARD.
Want a lasting peace? Apply for the MASTER'S CARD.
Looking for something you can always rely on in a jam?
The MASTER'S CARD is perfect for you.
Another great thing about the MASTER'S CARD is
that it never expires.
Once you're a member,
you're a member for life...eternal life, that is.
Membership has its privileges, you know.

How do you receive the MASTER'S CARD.

Dial : At the third eye center
With yearning in your heart.
MASTER is standing by right now to take your call.
Don't delay.

This great offer won't last forever.
and hope:
Invaluable faith,
Contentment and assurance:
Inestimable salvation:
There are some things money cannot buy.
For these jewels of life there's the MASTER'S CARD.
Why not be an advertisement for the MASTER'S CARD?
Let your life be a commercial forever for MASTER.

Peace and Bliss to all


Thursday, March 7, 2013


Got Initiated ???

Waiting for initiation ??

Sometimes we mistakenly believe that we are right candidate for initiation from a PERFECT LIVING MASTER.
And sometimes we mistakenly believe that we are not yet ready for initiation. That we need further preparations.

The truth is that we can never ever be ready for initiation, even if we take million births. We are never right candidates for initiation. It always is HIS love that selects us. That is what brings us in HIS marked sheep fold.

The only thing we can do is -- start trying as soon as possible to become one in that fold. And the only another thing we can do is---- be ready to live the life after initiation.

The more we hedge , the more mind tries to convince us... we are not ready, we are not suitable, we don't need to walk on spiritual path, the lure of world is still too good and too beautiful, we still need to experience some things..... the list of mind's pleas will never end. The only safety is in tightly holding HIS hands. Then we can start walking towards HIM, faltering, taking small steps, sometimes stumbling, sometimes strongly... just keep walking towards HIM....

So first necessity is catching hold of HIS hands... which HE is forever spreading towards us... lovingly... and then learning to walk... towards HIM....

Let's just for a moment pause and think.. what exactly in the meaning of-- INITIATION ??

INITIATION -- in english means - to make  a beginning or to cause somebody to begin a certain course. In hindi the word DIKSHA means-- to take the vow of making a beginning.

INITIATION from a PERFECT LIVING MASTER is one and only miracle in this whole creation. None other can even be called MIRACLE.

This is the only new beginning worth starting . This is what JESUS said --- Accept we be born again we cannot enter the kingdom of GOD.  INITIATION from a Perfect Living MASTER is real new birth.

Now all we need is to prepare ourselves to absorb HIS grace. To reach where HE wants us to reach... :)

First thing--- Prepare for a looooonnnngggg walk home... need to become discouraged with this one sentence.....  :)

This is for our own preparation... Few souls are lucky ones, coz they start from where they left at their previous birth... Many of us needs to begin from very beginning. So as soon as we get initiated, we need to tighten our belts and start a long way back home. Since there is too much to clean, collected in million of births. Then again what is one birth ?? in comparison to million others ?? And then again TIME IS OUR PERCEPTION... :) We are used to thinking about everything in connection to time taken and results achieved in such and such time.

For millions of years we kept walking away from HIM. But when it comes to reaching HIM, we feel few months of couple of years should be enough. How far is it justified ?
To achieve the degree of medical science, since birth... it takes almost 30 to 35 years. But in spirituality we need the degree in couple of years after initiation. WOW !! we do have hugest possible EGOS ...

Better sit down and take a deep breath after initiation .. and start thinking about time...... as just a relative period of realization... that we have already reached back home :)

 One complete birth ... or 10- 20- 30- 40 years are nothing... when we have the surety of reaching back home.

There is one very interesting incidence quoted in PURANAS- Shiva was sitting with Nandi. Suddenly there came a loud noise.Nandi asked - what is this sound ? Shiva replied -- Ravana is born. Moment later- there was another loud noise. Nandi asked-- now what is this ?? Shiva smiled and said- Ravana is dead. So this is TIME.. And our perception makes us feel the time as long or short period. So who knows-- we reached SACHKHAND the moment we were initiated. Or probably we were already in SACHKHAND , when HE initiated us.  :)

Prepare ourselves for darkness we encounter.. in coming years, failures we achieve during our feeble attempts. Days after days, years after years... as interest and hope vain, only to jerk start yet again... :)

Trying to adjust our times around meditation... and then trying to adjust best possible time for meditation... Oh !! the lows and highs are sure to arrive even in meditation periods. Not much difference in this and worldly highs and lows...
One thing is for sure... if we have somehow grasped even one drop of HIS grace and somehow found inside ourselves a determination to reach HIM... giving up meditating in any circumstance is no longer an option open to us. NOPE... that is a closed road...

Cultivating Humbleness is must....
Humility makes a seeker a suitable vehicle through which the knowledge , the grace of MASTER can be conveyed. It is said in UPNISHADS-- The disciple must approach the illumined and learned MASTER with firewood in his hand. Firewood is the symbol of service. The service rendered to the MASTER makes a disciple fit to receive the instructions. Spiritual knowledge is a gift from the MASTER to be earned through Humility and Spirit of Service. ( Quote by Swami Bhuteshanand )

Basically humility is what brings down all the barriers we ourselves have put on against receiving HIS grace. HE cannot work against forces that we insist on keeping as shields. Forces or shields  we have acquired through millions of births. Which we are unaware of, and which we have no idea how to bring  down... We were not even aware when we pulled them up, to shield us. We hinder HIS workings on us. And humility is the only thing that enables HIM, to destroy every barrier within us... To completely strip us apart , to fill us with HIS love and grace.

As RUMI Ji says--- 

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

We are unable to find these barriers ... but humility unable HIM to find all barriers and destroy them. :)

Prepare to feel tired and prepare to gear up again in the face of tiredness. :)

There will be days- when meditating will feel like pointless, useless, tough and so on... Mind will tell very convincingly- why keep doing a pointless task ?? One that we are not even very good at ? Period of utmost dryness ... Mind cajoles.. It's so easy to give up... why not just give it up...lowest point.... but there can be more lowest... 

It's then we will need to collect each ounce of energy and keep forging ahead...

Prepare to stand up again in face of all the tiredness....

Prepare for hugest loneliness we have ever experienced in life... As our ego is lying in shreds , heart lies bleeding and HE seem uncaring , unlistening  and silent. The ego which was serving us very well till now. Which kept us functioning in this world... is slowly slowly dying. No longer able to function in this world. No one seems to understand our pain and none can help in easing this pain. As the heart bleeds, knowing that on it's own it can't have the longed for union with HIM... and however much heart silently screams and yearns and calls out to HIM.... HE seems unaware , uncaring.
Neither this world belongs to me , and neither that.... At this point we feel what exactly loneliness is. Till now, when ever we screamed -- i m so lonely, in this world... we actually didn't even had any idea till then what is loneliness ....
So prepare to understand that ... first hand... :)

Prepare to wait for HIS grace.... with our limited perception of time.... :)

For this only one story is enough...

Since childhood we have listened to this story..
Krishna was very fond of butter. He will get inside brajvaasis houses and steal butter. They complained to mother Yashodha. She , to punish Krishna, Tried to tie Him from a tree. She brought one piece of rope and tried to tie Krishna with it. But is fell short by two fingers. Then some more rope was added. But every time it fell short by two fingers. She got exhausted. Ultimately when she was tired and gave up hope, Krishna accepted the bondage.

We cannot bind HIM by any amount of Sadhna. HE accepts us out of HIS grace. This is one thing-- always to be remembered.  Ultimately we have to depend on HIS grace. The consummation of all our meditation is complete surrender to HIM and dependence on HIS grace.....

Ultimately when the ego is shredded and all hope gone... when tired we beseech HIM one last time... and then become silent.... completely silent.... it's then ....... that HE speaks.... ....

So happy journey to all those who got INITIATED.... don't give up walking.... till u become absolutely silent....
And to those waiting or hedging for INITIATION..... get up and go...
Coz this is the only thing worth hankering for.... :)

Peace and Bliss to all
