Tuesday, May 11, 2010


There is a story...

Once in a secluded place like a jungle one saint was passing thru. He saw a lone man sitting in rememberence of GOD and all the while asking GOD to just look at his way..Look towards me o GOD.

The saint then asked him..."oh simple man why do u think that GOD will look at ur way? what qualities u possess that HE may look at ur way.."

The man replied.." when HE will look towards me the qualities will come automatically."

The story itself tells a lot. we on our own don't possess that worth that GOD may look towards us. but when full of love for HIS child the GOD looks towards us HIS grace and love makes us worthy and fit to be in HIS presence.

Souls travelling on the path of santmat which is easiest most path that a child can follow and at the same time difficult most path only brave hearts can follow, find it hard sometimes just to keep holding on to the path. Faiths r shaken, with time when nothing happens with shaken faith comes many questions. And it becomes difficult to keep holding on. Keep going on.

It's easy enuf to listen to others life stories and saakhis of MASTER happening in others life, and building ur own faith on this basis. But when nothing happens extraordinary in ur own life and the MASTER remains silent as ever, it becums so hard. Sometimes it's hard to convince that HE cares and HE listens. but HE is soooo silent.

There is a saying..that the soul GOD loves most , tests most. HE throws as many tests in this soul's way...that any one can feel shaken. but then those who passess all the tests remaining stead fast on it's belief..GOD showers HIS love on this soul.

May be this is the only way to proof the soul's worth. that yes...determination to reach FATHER'S home burns brite in the heart of this soul. and nothing can make it falter.

The funny thing is--- GOD himself provides the courage to pass all the tests to HIS beloved soul.

What exactly people think a miracle is??

Something extraordinary , out of perceptions of human intellect. but our perceptions r so limited. and MASTER always say...the world inside is beyond our limited perception and intellect.

when we listen to the saakhis related by fellow travellers...they r miracles for us. and we forget simple things that GOD gave us thru HIS love that if we think seriously were always beyond our limited capabilities.

The will to sit for meditation , the need to love HIM..and the feeling of HIS being everything in our small miserable life...which HE is holding tight and making sense out of senseless things, all those fellow travellers that meet us and sometimes gives us that necessary push or support when we urgently need it to go on...does these not come under miracles.

And if we think that not a single leaf moves without HIS wish , then these miles stones in our life, do they come as coincidence? or it's HIS carefully planned support to provide us push , which HE knew we will need?

Then these r indeed miracles....

So as HE prepares to test us ..in our determination to reach HIM and as HE tests us in our faith...HE gives us necessary support to pass that tests too...

Once a great devotee and true follower with unshaken faith in his MASTER said...

May he forgive me here for quoting him...

He said don't ask for miracles from MASTER..HE is capable of giving u that one miracle that will forever change ur outlook towards HIM and build a solid faith on HIM...but when HE will give u that miracle..HE may stop giving u those other small very necessary things..to follow this path smoothly...

And in this here it can be added...we don't know how to beg and for what to beg. HE knows best what to provide and when to provide. if only we just let HIM be..

hume maangnaa nahi aataa...use dena aataa hai... :) :)

So ... we as a human with limited perceptions don't know what we will need and when we will need...but miraculously HE always know... thank god... :) :)

All we need to do is to remember every time we feel shaken on this path..to ask HIM for guidence. and then leave it to HIM to provide. it may come in a very small way..small enuf to go unnoticed. but big enuf to provide the rite degree of support HE planned to give us at that particular moment.

and that indeed is MIRACLE.

So many of live day in day out a very ordinary life..reading others saakhis and feeling happy..that these things happen..but sometimes needing one for our self..one of our own. Without realising that each and every moment HE is giving us a very small miracle which is keeping us on path with love and devotion.

Once MASTER said...dene ka ek zariya hota hai...that line sticked to my mind...

GOD also finds mediums to give HIS beloved child the very thing the child may need. but we looking for miracles from MASTER himself never look towards these small miracles coming towards us via some medium. forgetting that this medium itself was created by HIM....

Blessed r those who build there faith starting from nothing..no miracle..and nothing tangible..and keep strengthing it thru out the time walking on path..coz it meant that MASTER had faith in the capability of those children,... that they will pass even without HIS performing miracle for them...it's very easy to build faith on miracles...but with HIS being apparently silent..in our perception..keep moving on HIS direction..and one day..may be sooner then many others..u just may find urself in HIS arms...

But then the thing to remember is that even when we never felt HIS presence and even HE never appeared in front of us...HE was always there without our knowing, supporting us in every small way..

Be ready...for HE will test u...if HE loves u..and have faith in ur capabilities...

And will be there till u pass the test...

And that itself is a MIRACLE. :) :)

Peace and bliss to all..


  1. Thanks sis..
    if it motivates a single soul, the object is fulfilled.

  2. Tougher the test, stronger is his love for us :)

  3. Wow! Just wow! You actually gave my faith its strength back! Who knew Babaji would use the past you to save the faith of your son one day!
    Love you mommy! YOU DA BEST! ❤️❤️😘😘😍

    1. If it did, thatz becoz HE knew we will need it one day. So see...
      That are HIS actual Miracles.
      N now ... Letz again keep walking towards HIM, with love.
