Wednesday, June 24, 2009

To MASTER With Love

The moment these words comes in mind, the mind and soul feels a feeling of recognition, of love and peace. A feeling of belongingness. Soul's feeling of finally about to reach home. To HIS arms. Of finally being able to put your head down and just rest. And how near that rest is. As near as our own breath. All we have to do is close our eyes. And there it is , in this darkness there is rest. coz even our mind recognise HIS presence there in this darkness. So who says that only when we see the light we reach home or to HIM. HE is never far. just shutting your eyes away. And that's a relief coz this we can carry with us everywhere. Not like any statue...we can carry our own ocean of peace with us always. As it's constantly present within us. With HIM, :)

Why not just stop seeking anything at all? and just rest. When we need rest at home we close our lights and stay in darkened room. So why we keep constantly asking ?? when we will see light?
As humans we are fashioned to seek result. And for millions of years we are doing just that. Mind needs to see results. And we don't know how to live the moment. Many quotes says... happiness is in this moment. And we keep looking for happiness to arrive. never recognising that we are living it...and we keep waiting. This is how we take our meditation. we never learn to enjoy it. never learn to rest our tired mind and body in that stilling darkness, and keep waiting for light to appear. Becoming discouraged as it doesn't. Never recognising that here it this darkness ..our chance to rest in HIS divine presence. Even that is a peace. After all we do know we are going home.
We shud learn to rest...finally after a tiring day, doing all the jobs that doen't belong to us.. we shud just learn to let go and that darkness with HIM...

oh!!! what a wonderful word....

my MASTER........ :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. in peace....
    even the darkness spells a presence ...of Him...lovely!
